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net economic benefits中文是什么意思

用"net economic benefits"造句"net economic benefits"怎么读"net economic benefits" in a sentence


  • 净经济效益


  • The regulatory impact assessment ( ria ) also showed that significant net economic benefits could be reaped from implementating a nutrition labelling scheme
  • Critics argue that although casinos elsewhere provide employment and a net economic benefit , they can also increase the incidence of compulsive gambling and local deprivation
  • This compares with the net economic benefit of developing the disney theme park in present value terms of hk $ 148 billion over a period of 40 years ( i . e . an average of hk $ 3 . 7 billionyear )
    若以上述数字与发展迪士尼主题公园的纯经济收益及现时估值,即40年共1 , 480亿港元(平均每年37亿港元)相较,更可见其重要性。
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